The door is open on the life of somebady

Old Tunis city


La Kouba du Belvédère


Bab Menara

Bab Souika

Rue Al Djazira

Bab El Khadra


Place de la Kasbah

Bab El Bahar

Le Grand Théatre

L'avenue de la Marine

The Mediterranean Festival of the Guitar in Tunisia


The Mediterranean Festival of the Guitar, in its third edition which was unrolled of the 21 at March 26, 2006, comprised in its programming eight shutters, initially aiming the young talents, amateurs of the guitar, has individual title or groups some, which have the occasion to be formed of advantage by approaching the famous guests of this session, came from various countries of Europe and Africa.

The meetings of preselection which proceeded in various areas of the country were an excellent occasion for the young people to express their talent and to be expressed by this instrument which always brought closer the people whatever their origins, in addition to the animation which offer these meetings where they were held.

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  • I'm Marwanito
  • From Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
  • i don't no!
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