The door is open on the life of somebady

With God Tn blogs| A Dieu Tn blogs


Today it is the black day for me, I were informed that Tn blogs, the Directory of the Tunisian blogs,and rundom was pirated.
Which horror I m really : ' (
That is what blogger will do without you tn blog.

Aujourd’hui c’est le jour noir pour moi, j’étais informé que Tn blogs, l’Annuaire des blogs Tunisiens,et aussi rundom sont piraté.
Quel horreur je me sen vraiment triste :’( qu’est ce qu’on va faire sans toi tn blog a dieu.

Questions dans ma tête.


Qu’est ce que je veux de la vie? Pour quoi je peu pas avoir tous ce que je veux ?

C’est quoi mes objectifs? Pour quoi je n’arrive pas à obtenir tous mes objectifs ?

Où est le départ? C’est le temps ou non de prendre le chemin de départ ?

C’est quoi l’amour et l’amitié? Existe d’amour et d’amitié dans la vie?

Où je vais arriver? Si j’arrive, je vais trouver ce que je cherche ?

Comment vivre correctement? Est-ce que je suis bon ou mauvais ?

Pour quoi sa s’arrête pas lorsque je répond a ces questions ?

Cher ami Moez


Je veux bien parler de quelqu’un cher pour moi, c’est mon super ami Moez, il est devant son Mac G4 et son écran géant de 21 pouces, il est un bon infographe qui a un esprit créative et une vague imagination, il est vraiment un artiste, il travail avec moi et je le connaît de puis 8 mois seulement, mais il a devenu mon ami intime a cause de son bon comportement avec leurs collègues, personnellement il m’a donner beaucoup d’aide et de conseil concernant la vie professionnel.

Ce qui est original dans cet personne c’est que son loisir de vie c’est draguer les filles ;) , il a une superbe technique de drague mais c’est une chose qui m’intéresse pas car je suis satisfais au moins pour le moment …
Il ma dit qu’il pense de faire un blog mais il sera un blog de charme lol, pas plus que le sexe dans sa tête.

J’ais voulu parler de cet personne dans mon blog car il vas être graver dans ma tête, je veux lui dire que peut être je quitte la société le plus tôt possible mais tu quitte pas Moez ma tête je souviens de tous les moments qu’en a passé ensemble, tu est mon grand frère ZIZO ;).

The shit contract SIVP


Here, I have just written this article in my blog because I smell myself a little lost, makes of it I do not know almost at all with the code of work, here what occurred then if you can help me… I will be grateful to you.

I am titular of a university diploma of technology of the information systems and of communication, I work with a company of private telecommunication X for 8 months within the framework of a contract SIVP. After these 8 months I realized that I had badly left, and in this moment I seek a fixed offer of employment with better conditions in another company. Then I got information with the meadows of the BNEC if I were to make a notice, a resignation or something of the kind before changing work. Then they have say to me that I could leave when I want without resignation.

Then my question is; is what I right board with a pay of account? Knowing that during the 8 months I do not have only make given without anything to take other that my poor wretch wages, I took neither leave nor premium I work almost 10 heurs per day, from time to time I work Sunday, the evening and also during the public holidays yes even during the festival of work yes I worked board, I am almost the technical person in charge for this company.

I have to ask for a wage increase, it said to me that the company passes by a crisis but I to wait little more more than 8 months of sacrifice and personal effort as indication that the sales turnovers of this company in approximately of 2 million dinar per day, it is still can : pp.

My employer still asks moreover, I to him is asked for a certificate of work to change my indentity card national, it has me di you are a trainee do not have you the right, I shine has to ask for some day of rest not even a week it my known as and that I am not entitled to nothing the whole.

A fishing party


Sunday morning I took the Nozzle to find a good place of fishing.
In the end I found a good place, it is the channel between Goulette and Radess.
It is a good place of fishing.

Water is hot there is of water current it is also necessary beautiful are good conditions to fish, but is what I m a good fisherman or not I it is not. I fish of then 5 years they are all.

I prepared my assembly and the lure was a type of worm of sea named Gross it is excellent for also fishing well it is expensive.

2 hour master key is I fished anything it is still necessary to wait and to have patience.

After 3 heurs I fished my first fish it is a sea-bream. After 5 hor of fishing, I fished 4 sea-breams it is excellent for an initial fisherman.

I forgot to say to you that I am in a prohibited place to fish and even I took the risk and I continue fished in this place;).

Time passes and the night tomb is the surprise the cane move, it is a wolf yes I have to catch a wolf of sea of 32 cm it is a beautiful surprise to finish my day of fishing and I return to the house with good result.

Massacre in Lebanon by Israeli Terrorists


I have a great misfortune when I look at what this master key in the world.
No human being, independently of his culture, his race or his language likes to look at this, What is the fault of these little children who are lost... :’(

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  • I'm Marwanito
  • From Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
  • i don't no!
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